
BFA - Sophomore Year Work

Michie (2020). It's Miller Time! [video]. Milwaukee.

Michie (2020). bad luck [video]. Milwaukee.

addie n michie addie n michie addie n michie

Michie & Addie Thornsbury (2020). Untitled [photo]. Milwaukee.

click here to view the full zine!

Michie & Care Richardson (2020). Care [zine; 4"x7"]. Milwaukee.

Content Warning for flashing images!

Michie (2020). Lookbook [video; 00:11]. Milwaukee.

Michie (2020). Ritual [video; 01:00]. Milwaukee.

jar1 jar2 jar3 jar4

Michie (2020). Jars [glass jars, glitter, dolls, plastic toys, air dry clay, moss, keys, other found objects]. Milwaukee.

Michie (2021). OOBLECK! [video; 03:31]. Milwaukee.

photogram 3 photogram 4 photogram 6 photogram 7

Michie (2021). Photogram Experiments [photograms; 8.5"x11"]. Milwaukee.

cyanotype 4 cyanotype 6

Michie (2021). Cyanotype Experiments [cyanotypes; 8.5"x11"]. Milwaukee.

More work coming soon!

IG: @michievvous